The pros and cons of do-it-yourself website builders How do you decide between hiring a website designer versus building your website using an online, do-it-yourself site builder like Weebly, Wix, Squarespace,, or Godaddy? As a web design professional, it would come as no surprise that I’m likely to recommend a custom, professionally-designed service for a client’s […]
Get Customers (and Google) To Love You With A Responsive Website
With the ascent of mobile device users, and Google’s preference for mobile responsive website design, your website should be mobile-device-friendly in order to satisfy your mobile site visitor as well as Google’s initiative for mobile-first indexing. Trust me – your potential clients prefer a simple, pleasant, user-friendly experience, rather than one that forces them to inconveniently […]
5 Essential Reasons Why You Need Fresh Website Content
Having an online presence is a necessity these days, and it goes hand in hand that updating your site with fresh content on a regular basis is essential. Websites are never meant to be a “set it and forget it” marketing tool. An untouched site becomes a stagnant graveyard from a customer’s perspective as well […]
Don’t Let Your Website Be Flagged as ‘Not Secure’
Google is punishing websites for not being HTTPS-compliant. Inevitably, even if your website does not collect data or financial information, if your site retains plain HTTP protocol it will be flagged as Not Secure. In this article, you’ll learn what it means to have your site flagged as Not Secure, and why it’s absolutely critical […]