So You Need a Website?
Here’s how we make it happen.
Using an electronic form and follow-up meeting or online conference, we’ll ask specific questions to determine your goals, why you want or need a website, and exactly what we need to achieve to make you and your business succeed. You’ll need to really think about this and dig deep! If you are unable to determine your precise goals at this point, we may opt for a separate Discovery Session to work through this phase of the process.
Once we’ve collected all of the critical background and foreground information, we’ll create a visual sitemap of your website so we can see and understand what we’re trying to communicate, and how the message and purpose will be structured.
Wireframe Prototypes
Depending upon the complexity of the project, we’ll then construct either low-fidelity (simple sketch) prototypes, or high-fidelity (digital) interactive prototypes, representing your website’s main pages so you can see how our solution will work for you and your project goals. You won’t see precise design elements at this point – this is simply to nail down the concepts and elements of your website’s page structure before we move on to your website design renderings.
Design Renderings
Once our prototypes are nailed down, we’ll create color website design renderings that, when completed and approved, will closely resemble your finished site.
Once you’re satisfied with the color, design, and layout, we’ll code and build your website. Once we’ve finished coding and building your site we’ll conduct rigorous testing to ensure everything is working and configured as intended and expected.
After coding, building, and testing your website, it’s ready for your review. This is your opportunity to check everything over and ensure all of your site’s elements, features and functionality are in place exactly as you want.
Now that you’re completely ecstatic with your new website design, we’ll launch the new site and announce it to the world!
If requested as part of your project scope, we will provide online training tools in the form of videos and screencasts so that you can take over the maintenance and upkeep of your website.