Change your thoughts; change your life.
About a year and a half ago, a Facebook post published by someone I follow, Dr. Mark Mincolla, popped into my social media feed.
If you’re not familiar with Dr. Mincolla, he is an author and natural health care practitioner who has transformed the lives of thousands of people, and I find him infinitely inspiring.
The graphic he posted was simple:
Reciting I am divine genius internally for 8 minutes, twice a day for 16 weeks, will rewire the brain for success.”
–Dr. Mark Mincolla
The Self-Talk Solution
This concept wasn’t new to me. Many years ago and in another life, my amazing Mom had given me a paperback copy of The Self-Talk Solution, by Shad Helmstetter. The premise is that actively utilizing positive self-talk can be infinitely powerful for achieving success.
Working as an admin assistant at the time and bored out of my skull, my 20-year-younger self read through this book feeling and knowing I was craving and destined for more. I knew graphic design and marketing strategy were my true callings, but I felt stuck and overwhelmed by a seemingly unreachable goal. The concepts outlined in Helmstetter’s book gave me the mental nudge and motivation to push past immobility to seek, achieve and ultimately succeed as a graphic designer and marketing consultant.
Back to the Future
Fast-forward to the day I encountered Dr. Mincolla’s motivational post. The timing was fortuitous. I had been a successful designer, marketing consultant, and owner of Fat Cat Design for almost 10 years. However, at this juncture I had been working at what felt nuclear speed for over three years. I was overwhelmed, overloaded, and burned out. Design and inspiration were slow and painful to cultivate. And worst of all, I was losing interest in my craft, my career, and my business – this precious baby I had pursued relentlessly with fierce determination to cultivate, build and realize.
I was exhausted and unmotivated, and I wanted to throw in the towel – along with the mouse, laptop, and sketchpad.
“So, why not?” I thought. Challenge accepted.
This simple, pivotal exercise changed everything.
Accepting the Challenge
Taking the “Dr. Mincolla Challenge,” as I coined it, transformed me, my work, and my business.
I followed the simple recommendation of reciting an uber-positive mantra multiple times per day for an extended period of time, and it was a career-changer. This pivotal exercise changed everything.
Successful Launch
Within days I was jolted out of my professional funk like a rocket. Design and creativity became innate and intuitive again. I was motivated and driven to revive, enhance and reinvigorate my skills and design processes. I eagerly sought to reinvest in myself and my business as I jumped into learning, embracing and absorbing new areas of design and marketing I’d previously been avoiding. I went from lugging around a creative tank that was perpetually on E-for-empty, to enthusiastically tossing a beach ball full of ideas, knowledge and motivation. As a result of this simple yet fundamental exercise, my skills, services, and expertise were greatly enhanced, and I was able to bring even better successes to my business and my clients.
Change Your Thoughts; Change Your Life
I continue to utilize this strategy daily – going for a run, working a circuit at the gym, standing in line at the grocery store or at the gas pump, or even as I drift off to sleep – and the cumulative effects keep compounding and reaping results.
The takeaway is straightforward: that perpetual inner voice, while seemingly small and quiet, can make or break our ability to realize our greatest goals. I am proof and I am a believer: Condition your thinking toward what you want, and you can achieve the extraordinary.